Joy - noun A feeling of great pleasure or happiness.
You may think I'm stating the obvious here or perhaps you think I'm blindly optimistic but I believe we all need a little reminder to appreciate the little things in life that make it joyful.
It doesn't matter how tiny the object of your happiness is, the point is to just let yourself be happy.
Instead of counting the ways you fail; the amount of times you fall short of the mark or how often things just don't turn out right, count the ways you succeed; the amount of times you surpass all expectations and how often things are greater than you ever dreamed.
Joy is a pretty simple word but it's surprisingly hard to accomplish, especially on the days when even spelling 'joy' would be a struggle, but even on those days it's still around if you're willing to look for it.
Find the joy in making the perfect brew or maybe you heard a joke that made you laugh. I read a haunting line in a book today and even though I'd happily let someone saw off my arm with a rusty spoon right now I'm choosing to find the joy in that unforgettable line because how often do you read something that makes a big impression?
(Unless you read this daily, then congratulations! You have obviously you've read rather a lot of unforgettable lines...)