Thursday 19 March 2015

Could you smile through this?

Okay so here's how I know that my physical health has a direct and significant impact on my mental wellbeing. I'm often told that being ill is no excuse for being miserable and 75% of the time I agree, I know some bubbly people who face terrible physical adversity, but when the world hurts you how can you be happy?
Today the world is painful for me.
Lights are too bright, even with sunglasses on an overcast British day I'm squinting.
Every sound feels like its boring into my skull, the sounds most people don't even here are crushing me, I can hear the buzz of the lights like a banshee is screaming in my ear.
My own skin feels like sandpaper, the softest clothing I own is burning my skin, tearing chunks out of my flesh with barbed wire.
My three layers are no defense against the mild weather currently freezing my extremities and turning my joints into iced over pits of hell that click, burn and throb no matter what position they are in.
The vibration of the bus, while usually a slight annoyance, is coursing like lightning through me, ripping my nerves to shreds.
That's without all of the muscle twitches, pin and needles, headaches, jaw pain, knee pain, swollen joints, fatigue, brain fog and the general feeling of destruction in my day to day life. With all of this going through my body how am I suppose to feel happy? Or grateful? Or even anything other than a deep desire to crawl into a warm, dark place, curl up in to a ball, or as much of a ball as my unflexible joints and muscles will allow, and die.
could you?

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