Monday 22 September 2014

U is for Unique

Unique - adjective Being the only one of it's kind; unlike anything else.

Sometimes when you have a chronic illness it's quite easy to become lost in the herd of others with the same illness, and that's pretty sad. 

This post is more of a challenge than an article, obviously you don't have to do and I'll have no idea if you don't but, I'll put it out there anyway.

 I challenge each and every one of you, regardless of if you're a Spoonie or not, to do something today that is totally and utterly YOU. 

It doesn't even matter if it's not that original as long as it's something that shows the world who you are. If you have an equal love for knitting and penguins then go ahead and knit yourself a chilly little buddy. Break out the sparkly roller blades and go skating. Perhaps you like poetry? Write a haiku and if you're brave enough post it on a social network of your choice. The decision is yours, just give it a go and reaffirm your individuality.
I'd love to see some of your creations or hear about your adventures.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

T is for Time

Time - noun The indefinite continued progress of existence and events. 

I know that time is one of those subjects covered by every health related writer/journalist out there but I hope I'm taking a slightly different view on it. If you've read all of this before then I apologise, please forgive me and next time I will be extra original, I promise.

Being a spoonie means that quite often your symptoms are expected to worsen over time so the future can look a little bleak and it can be really hard to appreciate the time you have right now. Depression can seep into all of those little nooks and crannies that whisper insecurities about your future and turn the volume up until whispers become screams and time suddenly seems to be running out on you. 

Time is fluid, it's constant but it's flexible. Make the time to appreciate all of the great things you've got going for you right now, no matter how small they seem; people, architecture, nature, music, literature or maybe the fluffiness of your teddy bear. Find time to do something just because you can, draw chalk rainbows on the pavement because 'Why not?', do something ridiculously impractical just for the sake of doing it. After all, in a few years you may not be able to so seize the moment.

Take control of time. Shove a sock in the depression for a little while because right here and right now you can do it.

 The future will be whatever it will be, but the present is something you have the power to manipulate if only you give it a go.