Friday, 1 August 2014

K is for Kink

Bear with me here..

Kink - noun A sharp twist or curve in something otherwise straight. A cause to form a sharp twist or curve.

'A kink in the armour' ...because it's now politically incorrect to say 'A chink in the armour', but I digress.

What I'm trying to say is that things might not always follow the path that you expect them to. You might not be the person you though you would turn out to be, but that is perfectly fine.

In nature there are no true straight lines yet we enforce so much order and formality on ourselves that we feel utter failures when our path gets a bit wobbly. Which is just ridiculous, there is no straight line to anything and the blessed people who seem to just have everything in one perfect swoop are lying.

Having a few wibbly wobbly diversions is good! A mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn anything from it, so look back on all the times when things haven't quite gone like you'ld planned and appreciate where you ended up. For example if I had followed the path I set myself when I was 16 I'd be working as a microbacteriologist - which may possibly be the most boring job in the world. But things didn't turn out that way, through no fault of my own, so now I'm doing something I love instead. It wasn't what i planned and yes some of those diversions weren't much fun but they led me a bigger, better, brighter path.

Embrace your kinks. I mean your curves...your wobbles? I give up.

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