Thursday 15 May 2014

B is for Bravery

Bravery - noun courageous behaviour or character.

Everybody with any type of illness or tribulation in their life will understand what bravery is, it doesn't mean never having problems or being scared, it means getting on with life despite all of that.

Getting up and out of bed when you know the day's going to bring pain is brave.

Pushing yourself just that tiny bit further than before is brave.

It doesn't have to be a massive courageous act for it to be brave, I'm not asking you to run with lions on a Tuesday morning, nor am I expecting you to wake up tomorrow and change your whole lives.

Small, daily acts of bravery are just as astounding.

So this isn't a long post but we've been over bravery before, 'B' is for bravery.

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